Ok, for some reason my brain won't shut off so here I am typing in the dark. Hubby is asleep.
Part of the blog is supposed to be about coupons so let me share what I do and where I go.
I'm sure everyone is familiar with the Sunday coupons already so I simply mention that along with how to get them for free!
1) Go to your local library. They will often give them to you
2) Head to McDonald's or other hang outs where newspapers circulate and scoop them up
3) bug your friends and family and neighbors
4) start a coupon train * A coupon train is where a group of like minded people send each other their coupons and send it on down the list taking and adding coupons as it goes on*
I also go online to get coupons. I use the following methods:
Coupon specific websites such as:
There are other sites but those are my three basics
Also, the new trend is to advertise on facebook and twitter. I'm on facebook but not twitter. Bascially if you "like" a product a lot of times you can get a coupon to print out from facebook.
I've also found that going straight to the manufacturer's page can garner you a coupon, especially if its a new product. Try it. Type in the name of a product you like in the browser of your choice and click on the associated webpage.
If you write to the people who make the product and give them a good review you are likely to get coupons in return!
Sometimes if you hit the back button after printing a coupon it will let you print a second one. I know this works for the
sobe page!