Friday, July 30, 2010

Electronic savings

There is nothing better than saving money without having to use paper coupons and companies are getting on board with this!
There are a few sites that you can lead your store savings card to allowing you to save just by swiping your card as your normally would.

Above are two of the sites.  The really cool part of this isn't that fact that its paperless savings but that you can stack the savings with a paper coupon giving you doubling savings!!  The savings factor can be phenomenal.
All you have to do is link your card by setting up a free account and entering your savings card number typically located on the back of the card.

Next, if you have an iphone there are numerous apps that provide coupons that you can swipe from your iphone!   Coupon Sherpa, mobiQpons and meal ticket are a few.  Meal ticket is relatively new and might take awhile to catch on unless you are in a major metropolis.

The blog Coupon Cravings has a sections dedicated to iphone apps that save you money

These doubled with your paper coupons lead to big savings!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know there were coupons for the iPhone! That is so damn cool. I will have to look into those apps. Thanks!
