Saturday, July 31, 2010


I was wondering in Sam's club one day and looking for apple juice for my daughter when I ran across Fruitables.   I had just had a talk with my husband about needing to feed her more vegetables throughout the day.  He's staying home with her and therefore is her primary food source.  My daughter actually loves peas and green beans so in general getting her vegetables in is not a struggle.  They just need to be presented to her.
I'd much prefer she get the whole vegetable (Did I mention I made all her baby food?  Yeah. I'm a nut like that!) but this certainly was second best as she loves juice.  The package was appealing enough and I decided to try it.  I certianly hoped it tasted better than V-8.  I bought some and needless to say I was going back.  My daughter calls it her "red apple juice." Only Sam's club didn't have it anymore :(
Prior to that I went to their webpage and printed out a ton of coupons.   Not to be defeated,Ii checked all the local grocery store but none of them had it in the large "family size"  I later found out they have the single serving sizes.  I wanted the family size.  Raisin Rack to the rescue.  They special ordered me a case ( I had to buy a case) and even accepted all my coupons :)

1 comment:

  1. Seems like Raisin Rack did you a good one. It was nice they could order it, and took all your coupons. Way to go, and track that down for your kiddo.
